2002 Emil Kuhn  Lifetime Service  Luxemburg.gifEmil Kuhn was introduced to wrestling as a freshman at Oconto High School in 1963, the Varsity Wrestling Coach at Oconto was Jerry Barr. While at Oconto, Kuhn was voted Most Valuable Player and Captain of both the football and wrestling teams. The Varsity wrestling coach at Oconto High School was now Don Hartman. Due to Coach Hartman's encouragement and support, Kuhn enrolled in Northern Michigan University in Marquette, Michigan. As a member of the Wildcat Wrestling team at Northern, Kuhn compiled a record of 49-9-2.
Upon graduation from Northern in 1971, Kuhn became the elementary physical education instructor and assistant wrestling coach in the Luxemburg-Casco School District. The Assistantship at Luxemburg-Casco gave Kuhn the opportunity to work with, and learn from Frank Chalupa. Coach Chalupa started his wrestling coaching career in Luxemburg Union High School in 1949, the year Kuhn was born. In 1974, with Chalupa's coaching retirement, Kuhn assumed the position of head wrestling coach.
Uniquely, Kuhn is only the third head wrestling coach in history at Luxemburg-Casco. His two predecessors were George Gregorand Frank Chalupa, and both charter members in the George Martin Wrestling Hall of Fame.
Kuhn has had the privilege of working with many outstanding individuals. While trying to emulate these people, Kuhn has demonstrated his sincere interest in the welfare and development of the young people around him. Stephen Pearson, former supervising principal at the Luxemburg-Casco Elementary School reflects. "His concern for the physical, mental, and emotional well-being of the boys and girls in our district extended beyond the concerns usually seen in coaches for members of their teams. He has been a counselor, a surrogate parent, encouraging young people to do their best on the court, on the floor, on the mat and in the classroom.
Kuhn's current dual meet record stands at 179-37-2. His teams have won 11 Packerland Conference Championships and placed second the other five seasons. He has coached 63 individual conference champions. There have been 11 WIAA Regional team championships and 6 Sectional championship teams at Luxemburg-Casco since 1974. Kuhn has coached 68 individual regional and 18 sectional champions. Individually, there have been 41 WIAA State qualifiers and 23 place winners. Bob Berceau, a three time state champion and Division III National Champion was a letter winner for Kuhn, as was Joe Wypiszenski, a three time All-American in Division II.
As for the wrestling community, Kuhn served on the WIAA wrestling rules Advisory Committee from 1983-85, was District Four WWCA Representative from 1979-81 and again in 1985-87. In 1987, Kuhn was elected WWCA Secretary and in 1988 WWCA President-elect. Since 1974, Kuhn has been team leader and coach of the Northeast Wisconsin - Chicago Cultural Exchange Teams. Kuhn officiates at freestyle tournaments, and has been registered WIAA wrestling official for 15 years.