1977 Ken Schermacher Charter Member Valders-West Bend.gifAfter graduating from Ripon College, Ken began coaching in Valders in 1951 and continued there until 1957-58. From there he went to West Bend, and served until 1964. While in Valders, his 1957 team won the State Tourney, and in 1958 they were runner-up. Three of Ken's wrestlers won state titles.

Ken's contributions as a coach and as a promoter would be impossible to list. He was one of the working pioneers and there was no question on his candidacy to our Hall of Fame.

His leadership at Valders and West Bend encouraged the development of wrestling in many small schools, which might not have even dreamed it was possible without his example. Ken worked tirelessly setting up clinics and promoting the sport within his own schools and he unselfishly aided other schools in getting a program going.

Ken was active in the forming of the Wisconsin Wrestling Coaches Association and participated in many fall clinics at the University of Wisconsin.